Aquatic Area Determinations.This is the process of identifying a wetland, stream or another aquatic area on a parcel and rating it. Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will produce a letter documenting findings. Many times this is all that permitting agencies require.
Wetland Delineation. This is the process of making a wetland determination, locating the edge of the wetland and rating the wetland. Sometimes GPS can be used to locate the wetland edge but in certain situations it will be necessary to hire a survey crew: Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will contact and collaborate with the land survey company. Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will produce a wetland report that includes sketches and a map.
Delineation Work
Ordinary High Water Mark Flagging: The edge of streams, rivers and lakes is located and flagged and aquatic area’s type is determined. Red Wing will produce a letter or report on findings or address them in a wetland report if it is required as well.
Wetland Mitigation Plan: Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will design a wetland mitigation plan to compensate for impacts to wetlands. Red Wing collaborates with AutoCAD drafters to produce a plan that is usable by landscape contractors.
Wetland Mitigation Assessment and Maintenance: Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will utilize any plans to assess how an installed mitigation plan is progressing and recommend ways that it could be improved. Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will control invasive plants and replace dead plants with native species that are more appropriate to the site.
Maintenance Project
Biological Assessment: If the permitting agency mandates it, Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will research Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife inventories and investigate the site for priority habitats and species, including but not limited to Mazama pocket gopher and Oregon Spotted frog.
SEPA Checklist Preparation:If your project involves moving 500 cubic yards of earth material or moving 250 cubic yards of earth material within 200 feet of a shoreline, or requires a Class IV forest practices permit, a completed SEPA checklist will be required. Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will thoroughly fill out your SEPA checklist.
Critical Areas Issues: Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service will consult and address other issues related to critical areas.
Wildlife Research and Habitat Enhancement: Red Wing Environmental Consulting Service is available for government-contract or grant-funded work related to research and habitat enhancement. Red Wing can also assist with the grant application.